Short Stories

This year I had a plan to read more short stories, and I saw it as a way to increase my reading and experience different authors, subjects, cultures, etc., all at the same time. In the two months that I have been working on this plan, I have come to realize that I do not enjoy short stories.

Short stories are assigned regularly in school, and I always hated it. I rarely connected with assigned readings in school, so I assumed I would enjoy short stories more if I were to pick them myself. That was wrong. It turns out that short stories do nothing to feed my soul when it comes to reading. Despite their length, I find myself growing bored quite early in the stories. Maybe that is because I expect the attention-grabbing action to happen early since it only has a few pages to tell a complete story instead of hundreds.

Now that I have come to recognize and accept my feelings towards short stories and admit those feelings to the world, I have taken them off of my reading plan for the year and re-focus on my other reading intentions.

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