The Younger Wife

There are three things you need to understand about The Younger Wife, by Sally Hepworth:
1-Everyone has secrets
2-Addiction comes in all different varieties
3-Divorce is never easy on the kids, no matter their age.

Tully and Rachel’s mother recently moved into a nursing home due to the rapid escalation of Alzheimer’s. Their father has just announced that he intends to divorce their mother and marry his new girlfriend, who is younger than they are! The story shows us the months leading up to the wedding–everyone’s lives, everyone’s issues surrounding this marriage, everyone’s secrets. Someone’s secret gets exposed, and then another, and like dominoes, falling secrets are coming to light all over the place. But there is one in particular that is suspicious, and everyone questions whether it is actually true. It is up to Tully, Rachel, and their step-mother-to-be to work together to discover the truth.

I did read some other early reviews, and I’ve noticed that quite a few people hate the ending. I, however, thought it was brilliant, but I do understand how it would frustrate some people. It is an ending that I will continue to think about for a while. 

I could not put this book down! I started reading it at 10 pm and would have stayed up all night to finish it if my body hadn’t quit on me. I haven’t read something that has engaged and enraptured me that much in a long time. Every time I have talked to my husband about the book, he says I seem very animated and excited while talking about it, again, something that hasn’t happened in a long time. 

So, thank you to Netgalley for letting me read this book early! I really loved it. This is my first Sally Hepworth book, but it will definitely not be my last.

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