Questions and Answers

I guess this could be labeled as a ‘get to know the blogger’ post this week.

It is not a secret that I read a lot. That concept is crazy to some people and they don’t understand how I can do it. Other people I’ve encountered want to read more and ask me how I manage to do it. So, I’ve compiled a list of questions that I get asked pretty regularly and have answered them here for all of you as well.

How many books do you read at a time?
Two, one fiction and one nonfiction. If I’m honest sometimes it’s multiple nonfiction at a time.

How do you balance them?
I specifically only read one of each larger genre of fiction/nonfiction so I don’t mix up my plots. I won’t start a new fiction until I have finished my current fiction. If I am reading more than one nonfiction at a time they’ll fall into different subgenres like a memoir and a gardening book for example.

How do you choose what to read next?
Typically if I have been given an advanced reader’s copy of a book that will be my priority, but sadly that doesn’t always happen because of other things going on in my world. However, if a publisher reaches out to me specifically vs the means I have of making requests to them their books will by default go to the top of my priority list. If I don’t have any arcs then I will scroll my bookshelves, library (in person and ebooks), and my kindle shelf until I find something that calls to me.

How do you find the time to read each day?
My nonfiction reading happens during the day. I do freelance work from home so I have flexibility in my schedule to read during the day and call it working. I read fiction at night before bed. I also have a fantastic bathtub where some additional reading of whatever in-progress book my soul is leaning towards happens a few times a week (this is also where that extra nonfiction book tends to sneak in).

Why is the time split having nonfiction during the day and fiction at night?
Years ago I mentioned to my therapist (who is amazing and had known me for years at this point) that whenever I read nonfiction at night I couldn’t sleep. She said that was because my “fixer/problem solving” brain was being triggered and I wanted to focus on the nonfiction I just read instead of resting.

What are the best books of each type you have read this year?
Fiction has to be The Younger Wife. I haven’t wanted to stay up reading or read a novel in the middle of the day in forever and I could not put it down (I wrote a full review last month when it was published that you can read here). Nonfiction is probably The Book of Hope. Jane Goodall is an amazing person and an inspiration as to what the world needs in humans. This book was written half pre-Covid and half mid-Covid so it is extremely timely.

What are you reading now?
Fiction: I am reading an advanced copy of A Letter in the Wall, by Eileen Brill that comes out May 24th.
Nonfiction: I am finishing up Grateful American, by Gary Sinise and then I’ll be starting Living on Purpose, by Amy Eliza Wong which is another advanced copy of a book coming out May 24th.

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