The Night Travelers

The Night Travelers is a new and interesting twist on the World War Two, flight from persecution story. It is a story of saving and protecting your child. And it is a story of confusion about your identity while knowing that confusion stems from the only method of keeping you alive and safe. 

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Ally, Lillith, and Nadine are three generations of women who have each made a hard sacrifice in order to keep their child safe. Ally sent Lillith away to keep her from Nazi persecution. Lillith sent Nadine away to keep her safe during the upheaval of Cuba. Nadine cut herself from her adoptive parents, the only parents she ever knew, in order to guarantee herself an opportunity for a future. Decades later, Nadine finds herself in Berlin, facing the ghosts of her mother and grandmother in ways she never expected. Working with her daughter, she hopes to finally piece her history together enough to fully understand who she is and why Ally and Lillith made their choices.

As parents, we all make tough decisions for the betterment of our children. But these women made the ultimate sacrifice for their kids in a way I will never understand.

This book has many angles and perspectives, but they flow together flawlessly. I loved the way it was brought full circle geographically by starting and ending in Germany. It just goes to show that if you want to find the answers, sometimes you need to go back to where it all started.

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